Education Events

KFSC Educational Events

Caregiver Webinars and Professional ECHOs
Register for Webinars and ECHOs here.

The Kansas Family Support Center (KFSC) is hosting a Caregiver Webinar series and a Professional ECHO series. 

The KFSC Caregiver Webinar series provides 2 monthly webinar events to support biological families, foster families, and other caregivers of children with autism, intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD), behavioral health needs, or mental health concerns with the goal of providing impactful education, support and resources. Upcoming webinar events are listed below. 

The KFSC Professional ECHO series utilizes technology to share knowledge across miles and disciplines to allow providers and experts who work with children with autism, intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD), behavioral health needs, or mental health concerns to collaborate with peers and promote growth across professions. KFSC will be hosting 2 monthly events. Each ECHO will consist of a didactic portion and a case presentation discussion. Upcoming ECHO events are listed below.

If you are interested in being a presenter or case presenter for one of these events, please complete the following interest survey. Presenters are compensated for preparation and presentation time.

To stay up to date with all upcoming KFSC events, please join our distribution list and sign up for our newsletter using the button below.

Caregiver Webinars

  • September 25th, 2pm CST, Eight Easy Strategies for Building Language LEarning O…

    Dr. Anna Whaley is presenting ‘Eight Easy Strategies for Building Language LEarning Opportunities into Daily Routines’. The main topics of this webinar are: Why building language learning opportunities into everyday activities is important for child language and communication development How you can use the Promoting Communication Tools for Advancing Language in Kids (PC TALK) language-promoting strategies The importance of daily routine in providing language-learning opportunities for young children

  • October 16th, 6pm CST, Nonverbal Autistic Teens/Teens with Autism and Difficult…

    Dr. Sara Diaz de Villegas is presenting ‘Nonverbal Autistic Teens/Teens with Autism and Difficult Behavior for Caregivers’. Participants of this webinar will learn: How puberty can impact behavior How to identify ways to address changing motivations Identify ways to modify the environment using behavior-analytic strategies

  • October 30th, 2pm CST, Positive Behavior Supports for Families with Dr. Jamie M…

    Dr. Jamie McGovern is presenting ‘Positive Behavior Supports for Families’. Participants of this webinar will: Become more familiar with the “ABCs” of behavior Learn more about proactive and reactive strategies to support positive behaviors Discuss resources to help with behavior change

Professional ECHOs

  • October 25th, 1pm CST, Positive Behavior Supports for Professionals with Dr. Ja…

    ECHO speaker Dr. Alexandra Dahlgren will be presenting about picky eating through the lens of an occupational therapist on July 19th at 1pm CST. Professionals who work with children at risk for out-of-home placement/qualify for waiver services/have behavioral support needs are invited to join us. Check out more information about this event here.

  • October 25th, 1pm CST, Positive Behavior Supports for Professionals with Dr. Ja…

    Dr. Jamie McGovern will be presenting ‘Positive Behavior Supports for Professionals”. ECHO participants will: Become more familiar with the “ABCs” of behavior Learn more about proactive and reactive strategies to support positive behaviors Discuss resources to help with behavior change

  • November 15th, 1pm CST, Autism Recognition and Response for Law Enforcement and…

    Alison Anderson, a retired law enforcement officer and recipient of a master’s certificate in autism spectrum disorders from KU, is presenting ‘Autism Recognition and Response for Law Enforcement and Other Professionals.’ The main topics of this ECHO are: How to recognize key characteristics of Autism important to know during emergencies and/or law enforcement contacts How to best communicate with a person who has Autism during these contacts Learn how to de-escalate situations by managing the sensory climate while interacting with a person who has Autism

Past Webinars

You can view videos of past ECHOs and Webinars on our YouTube Channel
KFSC YouTube